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Intermediate Listening Lesson #20
Step 1:
Listen to Dialog
Do not view the questions until after you have listened to the audio file. Reading the questions first will not help you improve your English listening skills.
Step 2:
Quiz - View Questions
1. When do they plan on golfing together?
This Saturday after lunch
This Wednesday after work
Sunday early morning
Monday afternoon
2. How much does it cost to play?
Fifteen dollars
Twenty one dollars
Thirty dollars
Forty five dollars
3. What time will they play together?
At 8:0apm
At 8:15am
At 4:00pm
At 4:15pm
4. Where do they plan on playing?
Somewhere close to home
Somewhere close to work
At the new golf course
The golf course by the lake
View Answers
1. This Wednesday after work
2. Twenty one dollars
3. At 4:15pm
4. Somewhere close to work
If you are uncertain about the answers to the questions, listen to the audio file again after having read the questions. After you have made all your selections, you may view the answers to see how you did.
Step 3:
Show Conversation Dialog
A: "Hey Steve. When's the next time you're going to play golf?"
B: "I'm going out this Saturday."
A: "Do you already have a foursome?"
B: "Unfortunately, we do. Let's plan for something together for Wednesday. We can go right after work."
A: "That sounds good. Where do you want to play?"
B: "We won't have much time, so let's play somewhere close to work."
A: "How about Bellevue? It's pretty close."
B: "How much does it cost over there?"
A: "Twilight rates are 21 dollars."
B: "That's pretty good. Let's do it."
A: "Aright. I'll get a tee time for Wednesday at about 4:00."
B: "Make it 4:15. I won't get off until 4:00."
A: "Ok. I'll call you later when I get a tee time."
B: "Sounds good. I'll see you on Wednesday then."
A: "Aright. Have fun on Saturday."
B: "Will do."
You should read the Conversation Dialog to help you study after going through the listening lesson. Do not view the Conversation Dialog prior to listening to the audio, or prior to answering all the questions.
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